Jeff Sessions Trump-Russia press conference: either he’s senile or callously pretending to be

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Is Jeff Sessions senile, or is he insultingly pretending to be senile now that he’s been caught red handed in the Trump-Russia scandal? I couldn’t tell you, because I’m not a medical doctor. But logically speaking, it sure seems to be one or the other. After recusing himself from the investigation, Sessions held a press conference for no apparent reason today, and it was as disturbing as it was distressing.

Jeff Sessions claimed today that he was too quick to answer the question from Senator Al Franken about what he would do as Attorney General about any Trump campaign contacts with Russia, and that he should have answered more slowly. But Sessions didn’t even answer Franken’s question. He leaped straight to asserting that he himself hadn’t had any campaign contact with the Russians, even though he hadn’t been asked about that. Sessions perjured himself for no logical reason โ€“ and now he’s claiming that it’s because he had an impossible level of misunderstanding of a straightforward question.

Sessions also claims that he can’t recall who else was in the room during his meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the Republican Convention. He says there were two Trump staffers with him, and maybe a third one, but he’s not sure. This would have been one the most pivotal secret meetings of Jeff Sessions’ life, and yet he can’t recall whether two or three people came with him to the meeting? People forget things. But people don’t forget simple basic things that important when they only happened six months ago.

Jeff Sessions’ haunting press conference today painted a picture of a man with severely diminished brain function, either because he’s senile, or because he wants us to think he’s senile so he can get off the hook. The former would be disturbing and would suggest he may indeed be an unwitting pawn in all of this. The latter would be disgustingly callous, and an insult to those who legitimately suffer from senility or dementia.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.