Robert Mueller’s persistence pays off as he finally gets his man

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Three weeks ago, Special Counsel Robert Mueller began his first high profile arrests in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. Since that time he hasn’t arrested anyone, at least that we know of, leading to questions of whether he had hit a wall. In reality, the details have given away that he’s been consistently plugging away behind the scenes – and as of tonight, he’s finally getting his man.

Attorneys for Michael Flynn have taken steps to formally separate themselves from attorneys for Donald Trump, according to the New York Times (link) which means that Flynn is cutting a deal. This essentially confirms what we’ve come to suspect about Mueller: he arrested the uncooperative Paul Manafort in order to make an example out of him, and scare the other Trump-Russia players into cutting deals before they became the next to face house arrest or worse. As far as cooperating witnesses go, Flynn is arguably the biggest catch Mueller could land.

Robert Mueller went the extra mile to get to Michael Flynn. Two weeks ago, stories surfaced in major outlets confirming that Mueller had enough evidence to arrest Flynn and his son on various severe charges. But simply arresting Flynn was never Mueller’s goal. Instead, Mueller was attempting to prove to Flynn that his life (and his son’s life) were over unless he cut a deal. It’s why Mueller circled back on the newly uncovered claim that Turkey offered Flynn a $15 million bribe as part of a kidnapping plot. It’s why Mueller interfered with the trial of Reza Zarrab this week, presumably in order to use Zarrab to prove to Flynn that he had no way out of this.

Michael Flynn can now give up the biggest secrets of the Trump campaign, including the Trump-Russia collusion meetings he participated in during the election cycle. He can directly incriminate Donald Trump himself in crimes against the United States. Robert Mueller’s persistence has paid off, and now he’s finally getting his man. Contribute to Palmer Report

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