Ivanka Trump fails miserably yet again

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We’ve all seen this storyline play out before: Ivanka Trump publicly takes a comparatively reasonable position on an issue, causing some on the outside to get their hopes up that she might be able to convince her father to adopt that position, and then Donald Trump ends up taking the most corrupt and abhorrent position he can think of instead. Now it’s happened again – and it doesn’t get any more abhorrent than this.

In the days since Ivanka Trump took a public stance against Alabama Senate candidate and alleged child molester Roy Moore, the mainstream media has pushed the idea that she could keep her dad from endorsing him. But sure enough, on Tuesday, Donald Trump grabbed the nearest microphone and endorsed Moore anyway. This was to be expected, for a few reasons. First, his most craven of handlers want that extra Senate seat for the Republican Party, no matter how bad Trump makes himself look in endorsing a child molester, so they talked him into it. Second, Trump’s endorsement of a fellow sexual predator is a way of viciously sticking it to everyone and everything who’s decent in this world.

But back to how Ivanka blew it. Forget about the fact that, as always, she failed to have any sway over him. There’s no evidence that she’s ever managed to change his mind on a single political issue, so either she’s incapable of doing so, or she not even trying. An increasing number of cynics have come to believe that Ivanka merely takes more reasonable public positions on issues in a craven attempt at protecting her own dying fashion brand, and that privately she holds political positions as evil as that of her father. Either way, her big screw-up is that she’s handed material to the other side.

Democratic candidate Doug Jones is now using Ivanka Trump’s attacks on Roy Moore as part of his advertising campaign (link). So even as Ivanka was trying to cover herself by making the obligatory negative remarks about the alleged child molester candidate, she appears to have unwittingly sabotaged her father’s strategic effort at getting the child molester elected. These people prove themselves to be more sick by the day.

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