Donald Trump’s friends admit he’s become “glum” and he’s psychologically falling apart

From scandals to investigations to a dying approval rating, just about everything is going wrong for Donald Trump that could possibly go wrong. He spent much of his overseas trip looking like he didn’t want to be there, or looking like he mentally wasn’t there. So it doesn’t come as a shock to learn that Trump is in fact psychologically falling apart. But it is somewhat shocking that the source for this is his own friends.
For reasons known only to them, Donald Trump’s friends are now informing the media of just how bad of psychological shape he’s in. One of them describes him as “glum” while another says he’s “emotionally withdrawing” in a CNN report (link). They’re painting Trump as being angry and lonely. They’re harping on his disconcerting nature of his rapid weight gain. They say he no longer trusts anyone. And this is all easily believable. But the question is why Trump’s own allies want this message out there about him right now.
Is it possible that Donald Trump’s friends are so genuinely concerned about his psychological downward spiral that they think running to the media about it is the only way to somehow help him get out of his funk? Or does Trump himself want the public to know that he’s genuinely miserable on the job? The latter could suggest that he’s laying the groundwork for possibly walking away if things keep getting worse.
At this point Donald Trump’s White House, as well as his political and personal inner circles, seem to be in such chaos that it can be tricky to figure out how to decipher anything emanating from it. Still, it’s difficult to look past the fact that his own close friends are now telling the media that he’s profoundly unhappy as president and that it seems to be destroying him. Clearly someone is trying to get something across to someone. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report
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