Donald Trump is still whining about the demise of his phony charity, misspelling words

If you’ve followed the saga of the Donald J. Trump Foundation, you’re aware that it’s an unregistered “charity” which hasn’t made a charitable donation since 2009, and is largely used by Trump himself as a personal piggy bank in violation of the law. New York state is in the process of nailing Trump for it, which is why he’s now trying to shut down his Foundation. But if his intent was to make the scandal go away quietly, he’s now sabotaging his own efforts by publicly whining about the whole thing.
Nearly the end of what appeared to be a particularly aggravated day for him, Donald Trump tweeted that “I gave millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, ALL of which is given to charity, and media won’t report!” โ misspelling the word ‘received’ in the process. He then followed it up with another tweet which read “The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any expenses. 100% of money goes to wonderful charities!”
But the factual reality is that Donald Trump hasn’t donated any money to his own Trump Foundation since 2008, according to CNN. And the Foundation hasn’t made any meaningful charitable donations since 2009, says the Washington Post. For those wondering, the Trump Foundation’s last donation was to the Clinton Foundation, according to its own records.
And yet despite the thoroughly shady nature of the Trump Foundation, which hasn’t been a real charity in years and has him in increasing legal trouble in his home state of New York, it appears Donald Trump is so insistent upon pretending it’s legitimate that he’s going to keep bringing attention to it.
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