What is Donald Trump even talking about in his “good time” tweet about the United Nations?

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Donald Trump’s Twitter account has become notorious for his bizarre feuds, all night benders, feuds with beauty queens, rants about sex tapes, and other incidents that have embarrassed any American with any sense of decency. But now that he’s assumed the title of “president-elect” and appended it to his personal Twitter account, if anything, his tweets have grown more disconcerting. In fact, his post-Christmas tweet about the United Nations today is so incoherent it reads like something copied and pasted from a book of Mad-Libs.

“The United Nations has such great potential,” Donald Trump declared on Twitter on Monday afternoon, “but right now it is just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time.” And then, apparently under the assumption that anyone reading his tweet had any idea what he was talking about to begin with, he added “So sad!” Trump’s bizarre misunderstanding of the United Nations is particularly striking, considering that he lives about a mile from the UN Headquarters in New York.

This came just five minutes after Trump ranted semi-coherently about how he would have won if President Barack Obama had run for a third term. Trump made this claim even though he lost to Hillary Clinton by nearly three million votes.

This appears to be part of a pattern of rapid unraveling on the part of Trump. Just before Christmas, he tweeted something so incoherent about Admirals and Generals that the internet wasn’t sure whether to mock his declining coherence or worry that his tweet about nuclear weapons the next day might have been a real threat. But in any case it’s become clear that Trump thinks the United Nations is some kind of tea and crumpets bed and breakfast. No wonder most of the world thinks he’s an ignoramus.

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