Yes, those other Trump-Russia arrests are coming

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When the arrests began in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal three weeks ago, and more than one person was arrested that day, some took it as a sign that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was about to round everyone up and put them on trial all at once. But that was never quite Mueller’s plan โ€“ because it’s not about just putting these people on trial. However, those other Trump-Russia arrests are coming, and some of them are coming quite soon.

There are, as we speak, dozens of sealed charges against what appear to be seven different defendants on the publicly visible schedule for the Washington DC district of federal court. Most or all of them are Trump-Russia players. Why hasn’t Robert Mueller gone ahead and arrested these already-indicted individuals yet? Only he knows โ€“ and that’s the entire point. He’s playing chess here, working to fit a large number of moving parts together in a way that will allow him to build an ironclad case against Donald Trump, his only true target.

Mueller has made an example out of big fish Paul Manafort and medium fish Rick Gates by arresting them and ruining their lives in the process. The message to the likes of Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions: time to panic and trip up and incriminate yourselves. He’s also made a different kind of example out of little fish George Papadopoulos by waving a twenty year prison sentence in his face and then letting him go after he fully cooperated. The message to the other little fish: you have a choice here, and choose wisely.

As Palmer Report recently pointed out, Robert Mueller hasn’t arrested Michael Flynn yet because damning new evidence came along at the last minute which apparently sent Mueller back to court to obtain even stronger charges against Flynn, and presumably against his son. The entire point of arresting Flynn is to jolt him into cutting a deal. The precise timing is less important than the success of the mission. No one in the Resistance wants to keep waiting to see those next handcuffs slapped on โ€“ but it’s coming soon, and it’ll be worth the wait.

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