Senate Republicans privately acknowledge Donald Trump has Alzheimer’s disease

Donald Trump’s worsening senility has become so disconcerting that even members of his own staff have recently tried sounding the alarm by admitting to the media that he’s “lost a step” mentally, and that they’ve been trying to keep him from doing interviews as a result. Now some Senate Republicans are privately acknowledging that, based on their interactions with him, they believe trump is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.
New York Times columnist David Brooks has penned a misguided op-ed which completely misses the point about how most of the Republican Congress is suddenly embracing Donald Trump (link). They’re simply trying to prop him up a bit longer so they can ram through their tax giveaway scam for the wealthy, before they give up on him and leave him to collapse. But Brooks did provide one noteworthy detail in his column: “The Republican senators greeted Trump on Capitol Hill saw a president so repetitive and rambling, some thought he might be suffering from early Alzheimerโs.”
Here’s the part that Brooks completely missed about his own reporting: Senate Republicans know Trump is so far gone mentally, and that he’s rapidly becoming so untenable in office, they’re purposely leaking details like this in order to lay the groundwork for his eventual ouster. As much as they need to protect Trump right now while they’re trying to pass their tax scam, they want nothing to do with him heading into the midterm elections โ and they’re quietly hoping Robert Mueller will have handed them an excuse for telling the American public that they have no choice but to oust Trump.
In the meantime, this is yet another sign of how severely Donald Trump’s mental faculties are receding. Republican Senators aren’t medical professionals, so they’re not fit to formally diagnose a specific disease like Alzheimer’s disease. But most of us have been around people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other such diseases, and generally speaking, we know it when we see it. The Republican Senate sees it when it interacts with Trump.
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