Kellyanne Conway punched a man in the face at inaugural brawl; Scott Baio also involved

Donald Trump Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway has been having a bad week, and it may have just gotten much worse for her. She was lampooned for coining the phrase “alternative facts” on Sunday. But now she’s being accused of having punched a man in the face three times in a row, during one of Trump’s inaugural balls. This is according to a national television reporter who was in attendance and witnessed the entire incident first-hand. Even more strangely, although he wasn’t the one who was punched, the incident directly involves Scott Baio of all people.
Fox Business reporter Charles Gasparino posted the following account of the incident today to his Facebook page: “First met my pal Scott baio outside the victory ball. We said hello when a bunch of anarchist thugs began to descend on us screaming ‘hey Chachi are u fascist?; One made an aggressive move toward us i shoved him away and he said ‘touch me again u little prick and I’ll smack u; my response: “GFY asshole” that’s when my producer Brian Schwartz intervened and crisis was averted. Part two was even more insane: inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys.”
The New York Daily News is confirming that this account really is coming from Fox’s Gasparino. Meanwhile, Scott Baio’s wife is confirming the scuffle and saying she “pushed” the guy in question. There has been no comment yet from the White House.