Merry Christmas: sex scandal forces resignation within Donald Trump’s senior staff

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Remember back during the campaign, when Donald Trump tried to make a big deal out of Bill Clinton’s infidelity from twenty years ago? Perhaps he should have been paying closer attention to the sexcapades of his own senior staff. A potentially explosive Trump administration sex scandal erupted on Christmas eve and has already triggered one major resignation and the deletion of one Twitter account โ€“ and the fallout may be just getting started.

The controversy first erupted on Christmas eve, when Jason Miller announced he was quitting as White House Communications Director to spend more time with his family, just two days after the Donald Trump team had publicly announced him in the role โ€“ which Palmer Report reported here at the time. While it was initially assumed to have been mere wishy-washiness on his part, things soon turned ugly when another Trump advisor A.J. Delgado began tweeting accusations about him.

Specifically, Delgado publicly hinted that Miller had gotten her pregnant (as reported by Politico) while the two were having an affair โ€“ referring to him as “the baby daddy” โ€“ despite the fact that Miller is married. Miller then announced he was resigning his brand new position as Communications Director, after which Delgado deleted her entire Twitter account without further explanation, essentially delivering Donald Trump a lump of coal on Christmas day.

It was never clear whether A.J. Delgado was planning to serve as part of the Trump administration or if her role as advisor was to be limited to the transition period. But her public airing of dirty laundry suggests that her association with Trump may be finished. If so, then the sex scandal has already knocked two of Donald Trump’s top advisors out of the White House before they even had a chance to get into the White House, including at least one senior staffer โ€“ and there may be more fallout to come.

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