Donald Trump sides with Russia against American media, thinks it’s “funny”

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Just two hours after Donald Trump publicly sided with Vladimir Putin’s Russia in its sanctions battle against the United States, Trump is now publicly siding with Russia against American news outlets CNN and NBC News. Perhaps more strikingly, Trump is also now acknowledging that thinks it’s “funny” that the Russians are making “fools” of the American media.

On Friday afternoon Donald Trump posted and pinned (and subsequently unpinned) a tweet which read “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!” That prompted immediate widespread backlash across Twitter and other social media platforms, as various Americans responded with derision and repulsion at Trump’s decision to align himself with Russia against the United States. But then Trump followed it up by siding with Russia over the American media.

On Friday evening Donald Trump offered a new pro-Russia tweet, this time reading “Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools – funny to watch, they don’t have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!” Trump appears to be upset that CNN and NBC have been covering the Russian hacking storyline, and pleased that Fox News has been scuttling it. This comes just seven days after Trump publicly sided with Russia and Putin against the Democratic Party in yet another tweet.

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