Donald Trump finally leaves Trump Tower, and New Yorkers shower him with booing

In the two weeks since Donald Trump was named the “winner” of the 2016 presidential election by a fluke of Electoral College math, despite the fact that he lost to Hillary Clinton by more than a million votes, he’s spent most of his time holed up in Trump Tower in New York. Trump has mostly spent his time complaining on Twitter while acting like he doesn’t want the job. Today he finally left Trump Tower, and he promptly found himself showered with a chorus of boos.
After Donald Trump held a disastrous meeting with cable news reporters on Monday in which he tried to bully them into reporting more favorably on him and they responded by leaking the embarrassing details, Trump tried again on Tuesday with the New York Times. This required Trump leave his self imposed exile in Trump Tower and travel from Fifth Avenue to Times Square, where the newspaper is headquartered.
Some of the millions of protesters, who have taken to the streets to fight back against Donald Trump, saw his rare public appearance as an opportunity to show him how they felt. When he exited the New York Times building, after a handful of his fans cheered him, the bulk of the crowd took over and showered him with loud and sustained booing. The shift from isolated cheers to loud boos can be seen in this video.