This just blew up in Trump world’s face

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After being censured by the House GQP, Rep. Adam Kinzinger stated that the GQP was wrong to do so. A Chicago area GQP hate radio station that features intellectual heavyweights like Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, and Sebastian Gorka took exception to Kinzinger’s statements.

I think the station was expecting a lot of hell yeahs and cheap beer toast tweets from Branch Trumpvidian listeners. Yeah, that’s not what happened. The station got pretty heavily ratioed in the replies, which generally fell into one of the following categories: (a) Kinzinger is not a traitor but a patriot for standing up for the rule of law; (b) Orange F—k Face (OFF) is the traitor who tried to pull off a coup; and (c) what happened on January 6 was not “legitimate political discourse.” I looked for a while and did not see any replies agreeing with the radio station.

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The station either has no understanding of how the internet works and that if it says something fornicating stupid online it’s probably gonna come back and bite them in the ass. Or they knew and wanted the attention. (The station – formally called WIND – is one of over 40 AM stations in the Chicago market and one I didn’t know existed until this morning). I’m leaning more towards the former given some of their other tweets.

I wonder what they’re going to do when the full extent of OFF’s crimes are revealed and Kinzinger is proven to be correct? Will they admit they are wrong? Or like so many other Branch Trumpvidians elect to go down with the SS Trumptanic? Probably the latter.

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