This is just a mess for Putin

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Well Russia has responded to the sanctions with some of their own against the President and other prominent Americans – including Hillary Clinton. Well, she had this response to being sanctioned by Russia:

Jen Paski is also on the list and said none of the people on the list really care about the sanctions from Vlad the Invader’s government since they’re not planning any tourist vacations or have money stashed in Russian banks that they wouldn’t be able to access. (Unlike some others in the former guy administration). Plus, she noted that in their hurry to be mean to Biden they may have sanctioned the wrong Joseph Biden, that being his deceased father:

If Vlad the Invader and his government think their sanctions are going to have any effect or deter the US from its course they’ll want to think again. They have no economic leverage over Biden or his officials as they have no money trapped in Russia, and I cannot imagine that Biden and those on the list probably are clamoring to go on a package tour of the highlights of Russia anytime soon. (Unlike former guy and his GQP allies, who the Russians had lots of leverage over and who loved visiting Russia on July 4 to be feted by Vlad’s people).

I think these sanctions show just how weak Vlad’s government is becoming and how much Vlad has painted himself into a corner with this whole mess. These sanctions are entirely symbolic, and the only worth they have is as a comedy gold mine for mercilessly mocking Vlad the Invader and his government over their middle school like response.

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