Things just got even worse for Madison Cawthorn

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We now have the latest entry on the list of things just about everyone saw coming. Iโ€™m talking about soon to be former US House Representative Madison Cawthorn (Q-NC). It was just revealed that Madison is now under investigation by the House Ethics Committee.

Apparently, Madison may have committed financial improprieties by promoting cryptocurrency that he had an interest in, and by having โ€œan improper relationshipโ€ with someone. The sources I looked at really donโ€™t say who Madison allegedly had a relationship with beyond stating it was someone on his staff.

Of course, Madisonโ€™s office went right to the good olโ€™ Branch Trumpvidian playbook of claiming that he did nothing wrong and itโ€™s all a political witch-hunt. On May 11 the committee had unanimously authorized a sub-committee to investigate Madison. Democratic Rep. Escobar and Republican Rep. Guest will serve as chair and ranking member, respectively. Democratic Rep. Rochester and Republican Rep. Fischbach are the other two members of the committee.

Well, if there was a unanimous vote by the committee, thatโ€™s a pretty good indication that thereโ€™s fire behind whatever smoke there was that prompted this investigation. Now that Madisonโ€™s on his way out the door and is a lame duck, we may not have heard the last and weโ€™ll soon hear more of Madisonโ€™s ethical misadventures soon. Get out the popcorn, folks.

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