The civil war between Madison Cawthorn and the Republican Party is officially underway

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The apparently untrue accusations that Madison Cawthorn (Q-North Carolina) made that people in Washington invited him to cocaine fueled orgies has ruffled a lot of feathers in the GQP. Both on the national level as well as within North Carolina (NC) itself. His tendency to showboat along with the SOTU hecklers Boebert and Greene instead of doing the work he was sent there to do has pissed off a lot of Republicans. Rep. Kelly Armstrong lambasted Cawthorn for having Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne of Dumb and Dumber fame on his shoulders instead of an angel and devil.

Now there are signs that the NC GQP has had enough. Several people have decided to challenge Cawthorn in the upcoming primaries. US Senator Thom Tillis has endorsed State Senator Chuck Edwards. Edwards is not the only Republican challenging Cawthorn for his seat. Several other Republicans have thrown their hats into the ring as well.

However the fact that there are several candidates could backfire and split the vote, enabling Cawthorn to win the primary and probably the general election as well. Hopefully the Republicans challenging Cawthorn will all coalesce around one candidate sooner rather than later. Perhaps the Tillis endorsement will help the NC GQP rally behind one candidate. Maybe then that challenger will have enough votes to oust Cawthorn at the primary stage.

In any event, Democrats need to work as hard as possible to flip Cawthornโ€™s district in the general. Cawthorn isnโ€™t going to do his fornicating job anytime soon, and none of the other Republicans will be much better. Even if his district looks hopeless we still need to get in there and fight for the seat and not just roll over for the GQP.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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