Rand Paul needs a time out

There are many deeply troubled Republicans. Hawley, Cruz, the list is endless. However, it is the great state of Kentucky that currently has my sympathies. The reason for that is because Kentucky has the sad reality of being Represented by Senator Rand Paul.
Paul (idiot, Insurrection party, Kentucky) has exhibited behavior that has become stranger and stranger. On Sunday, he definitely knocked it out of the park where strangeness is concerned.
Paul appears to be going mad at the thought of COVID mask protocols. In a video message, the Senator lashed out at Warrior Nancy Pelosi in a tirade that can only be described as bizarre.
“It’s time to resist,” the bombastic Senator screamed. “They can’t arrest all of us,” he continued.
Paul then labeled the House speaker a “petty tyrant” and went on to say he and his staff know what they are doing in regards to COVID and do not need her help to make any decisions. Paul also defiantly said they would not comply with mask mandates, any type of vaccine passports, or COVID screening.
I don’t know about you, but it sounds like the Senator needs a time-out to me. Paul concluded his absurd remarks by talking about freedom. I want to address this critical issue.
The word “freedom” seems to be cropping up more and more among the GOP. But my question is — what about us?
Don’t we, the Democrats (and sane individuals) not also deserve freedom? And do we not deserve the freedom to protect ourselves, our neighbors, and our children from sickness and possible death?
Shouldn’t we have guidelines in place to stop a raging pandemic that has already killed scores of people all over the world and will kill many more?
There is a vast difference between freedom and tyranny or, in Paul’s case, idiocy as well. Paul is accomplishing nothing with his self-destructive and dangerous behavior except to show everyone he is a “Doctor” and a Senator in name only.
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