Mike Pence can’t be happy about this

“Traitor, Traitor.”
Mike Pence is probably not very happy right now.
The former Vice President was attending a conservative meeting in Orlando, Florida. Pence had plans to make some remarks there. Unfortunately, things did not turn out quite as he planned.
Given that we know Pence has been trying to get back into the former guy’s good graces, he most likely expected a warm and cheerful welcome. Oh, how wrong he was.
As Pence began to talk, he was repeatedly interrupted by calls from furious Trump supporters.
“Traitor” these people yelled.
Unabashed, Pence gamely went on.
“Traitor, Traitor.”
Pence seemed to take a strategy of pretending that this was not happening. “It is great to be back with so many patriots,” Pence groveled.
“Traitor,” many MAGAs screamed back.
With toxicity all around him and viciousness swirling in the air, Pence continued to speak.
Unfortunately, the catcalls and screams of derision could be heard loud and clear by just about everybody.
Some hecklers had to be ejected from the room.
Later, at least one heckler told the media that she did this to Pence “because “he’s a traitor.”
The former guy’s fans were upset because Pence did not break the law for them. Obviously, this does not bode well for Pence and his chances of ever winning the presidency.
If I were Pence, I’d forget once and for all about these people. They will never love Pence again because they see him as a betrayer. Pence has many options for his future. Too bad he seems to be choosing the one with no path whatsoever.