Kevin McCarthy is taking on water from all sides

Congressman Kevin McCarthy (fool-insurrection party-California) has a bit of a problem right now.
You see, McCarthy wants to be House speaker. He wants to be House Speaker badly. And that requires his party having a House majority. But with his cowardice regarding just about everything, he is proving, both to the American people and to members of his caucus, that he’s not at all up to the job.
In recent weeks, McCarthy has sent a strong message to the public. And it is this: he is a coward who lacks the ability to not only manage his caucus but also to make decisions under pressure.
And he is alienating just about everybody.
With his decision to push out Liz Cheney, Kevin has alienated Cheney and many in the middle who disapprove of what the cowardly Californian did. With his coming out against a January 6th commission, he has alienated these same people even more.
And McCarthy is now disliked by the ultra-right as well. Take Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (insane-insurrection party-Georgia). Greene has been using racist rhetoric that is so vicious that even McCarthy had to call her statements out, which he did in the weakest, limpest way possible.
This did not go over well with Greene, as you can imagine. When a Twitter user tweeted that McCarthy was “feckless” and “a moron,” Greene thanked the tweeter for “seeing the truth.” The tweet was then deleted, but the damage was done.
The craziest and most vitriolic wing of the GOP now dislikes McCarthy as well. It’s difficult to believe he now has a chance at his dream job at all.
McCarthy has nobody to blame but himself. Leaders must be able to show they can lead. They must appear unafraid and courageous. These are adjectives one can’t apply to McCarthy, and, likely, his ambitious plans for himself have just taken one heck of a nosedive.