Kamala Harris for the win

I first read about Kamala Harris, and listened to and watched her online, shortly before she announced her bid for the Presidency. I was immediately captivated. This is a woman, I thought, who is going to go all the way to the top. An intelligent woman who was not afraid to speak her mind. When she dropped out of the race and it became obvious that Joe Biden would win, I fervently hoped that he would see her as the obvious choice for his running mate. I am so glad that he did.
This woman will, have no doubts about it, become the most powerful person in the world in due course and America and the world will be a better place for it.
My own country of Scotland has been led by a woman for a little over six years; the estimable Nicola Sturgeon. Having a clever woman in charge is liberating, let me promise you that. The careful thought and care put into every decision stands out a mile. When a powerful woman speaks or makes a decision, you know that she is doing so for the greater good. America has golden times ahead of it with Kamala Harris at the forefront; if it can just get over the current bump in the road.
To that end, Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our editorial and research staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate whatever you can to this effort. Our future and our way of life depend on it.