Jen Psaki puts right wing propaganda outlet in its place

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A NewsMax reporter failed miserably when she recently tried to get our UN Ambassador fired. Thinking she could put our brilliant Jen Psaki on the spot, NewsMax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson suggested President Biden should bow down to any criticism or attacks from China, telling Psaki that UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield “essentially said that white supremacy is woven into our founding documents and principles.”

Robinson claimed, “This statement is getting widely criticized as essentially parroting Chinese Communist Party talking points. So is the President going to remove her from her position as the representative before that body to promote United States values?”

Psaki calmly told her, “Is the President going to remove an African-American woman with decades of experience in the Foreign Service, who is widely respected around the world from her position as Ambassador to the UN? He is not. He is proud to have her in that position. She is not only qualified, he believes she is exactly the right person in that role at this moment in time. I have not seen her comments. I will say that there’s no question that there has been a history of institutional racism in this country, and that doesn’t require the UN Ambassador to confirm that.”

Yet Robinson, apparently a glutton for punishment, continued trying to shape US foreign policy from the press briefing room, complaining that the Ambassador’s remarks “are essentially the same lecture, though, that the Chinese delegation gave Secretary Blinken in Alaska last month. So does the President think that our founding documents are racist?”

Undeterred, Psaki again responded, “…I will leave my comments to speak for themselves, and certainly I think most people recognize the history of systemic racism in our country, and she was speaking to that.”

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