Jen Psaki just nailed it

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I was listening to this morning’s briefings about the desired progress of the Covid vaccination program, about the pathway to July 4 barbecues, and all I have to say is “Thank Goodness the Democrats are in charge.”

I realize that at some point in years past I stopped listening to the pronouncements from the White House and Congress because they were not relevant, they were full of bad news without a pathway to anywhere. I didn’t consciously decide not to tune in, but I just grew tired of all the “alternate facts”. If I wanted “alternate facts”, I can just tune in to the few media stations that promote that kind of reality TV.

Watching Jen Psaki at the White House press briefing call on any of press, she is hitting a home run. The present questioner is wanting her to give Donald Trump credit for all the work he did on Operation Warp Speed. She said that the applause that Donald Trump received for announcing Operation Warp Speed at that time was enough credit for those actions and there is no need to applaud something that happened six months ago, that President Biden’s leadership should get credit for putting the distribution mechanisms in place because they were not in place when he took office.

She is not ending the briefing early. She is not slamming the press. She is answering questions of every stripe. And she doesn’t mind saying that she doesn’t have enough information to formulate a response, so she will research the question.

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