This just keeps getting uglier for Ted Cruz

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Dance with the one who brung you, Ted Cruz, as we say down here in Texas. Instead of showing up for Joe Bidenโ€™s inauguration, Cruz should have resigned, then sashayed and twisted his treacherous way aboard Air Force One with Trump for a last free ride to confab with Rick Santorum on their statesโ€™ COVID-19 debacles. Senate Democrats have called for an ethics investigation into Cruzโ€™s role in the Capitol riots, while according to POLITICO, on Jan 22 Cruz equivocated, “What I was doing is debating principle and law and the Constitution.โ€

Videoclips of the Capitol attack released Jan 17 by The New Yorker show belligerent
idiots who misunderstood documents about the electoral vote objection on Cruzโ€™s desk. One terrorist grabs Cruzโ€™s papers and yells, โ€œHe was going to sell us out all along!โ€ Others mill about in confused agreement. A higher Lexile reader reads a bit and drawls, โ€œWait, no. Heโ€™s with us. Ted Cruz would want us to do it, so weโ€™re good.โ€ Both terrorists were correct. Ted Cruz would sell out anyone, even marital loyalty to his wife after Trump denigrated her.

In the aftermath of the Capitol shockwave, Cruz insisted on supporting the proposed objection meant to overturn or stall the electionโ€™s official call. Cruzโ€™s actions certainly fueled the Capitol insurrection, yet Cruz now publicly denounces these invaders as โ€œcriminals who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.โ€ What about that other Senator from Texas who Trump and McConnell led around by the nose — John (The Steer) Cornyn? Weeks too late, on Dec 9, he finally snorted a timorous public mention of โ€œPresident-elect Bidenโ€ and he voted against the proposed objection to electoral certification.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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