Donald Trump has become an empty vessel

It was evening in Arizona, and an insurrectionist was about to take center stage. Filled with grievance and restless in anticipation, the not-so-large crowd was ready. The insurrectionist strolled onto the stage and begun his hate-speak.

Only he was not in top form. His voice wavered. He rambled on senselessly, more than usual. What was the purpose? The insurrectionist spoke for two long and excruciatingly boring hours, but he didn’t say much. Actually, he didn’t say anything.

His speech consisted of the usual complaints, falsities and rage. It seemed he had nothing left in him. He was an empty vessel. Actually, he’d always been, but his worshipful followers blinded by their own emptiness could not see it.

The speech was worse than usual. And then it took a bizarre turn. The insurrectionist began talking about basketball star Lebron James. He began speculating on his “transition.” He speculated on James getting “the operation.” Why did he do this? Mr. James has never indicated that was something he was looking at.

It did not matter to the enthralled audience. Slowly, a barrage of hate-tweets from the MAGA world began making themselves known. And they were directed at James. James had done nothing. He had said nothing. Everything the insurrectionist had speculated about was just that-speculation.

It did not matter to the audience. Perhaps nothing matters to them. This is the art of the cult. And for his audience, the cult leader’s every word was to be taken as fact. Welcome to the cult of the former guy.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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