Come on CNN, try harder than this

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Zachary Wolf recently had this up on CNN about what average citizens could do to help save our faltering democracy. He spoke with Professor Barbara Walter from the University of California San Diego, who said Americans need to vote, protest, and connect to save our democracy.

As usual, CNN misses the mark. Nowhere in the article did they mention how the GQP are going out of their ways to make it harder for those who tend to vote against them. Nor do they mention GQP efforts to make it illegal for non-Branch Trumpvidians to peacefully protest and call more than 2 non-Republicans standing in the same space talking to each other a riot. And then there’s the non-stop efforts of the GQP to destroy communities throughout the country.

And CNN brought on the likes of Rove and Cheney – who should both being doing life in ADX Florence for their crimes – to spout off about how Democrats need to make nice. Sorry, CNN, nope. We’ve extended the olive branch a few times too many and had our hands grabbed and then stabbed. The GQP idea of reaching across the aisle is that we’ll just bend over backwards to accommodate them and totally abandon our own ideals. They supported and largely continue to support a racist, power-hungry con artist because he hates the same people they do so I have no interest in assuming any Republican is good anymore. Thirty years ago I would have not assumed the worst about Republicans, but after the former guy and CovidKim I no longer do so. CNN needs to get better about hitting the mark if it wants to be taken seriously.

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