PA Senator Daylin Leach to Donald Trump: come at me, “you fascist loofa-faced shit-gibbon”
Fierce pushback after Trump threatens to destroy career of a state Senator
Read MoreSean Spicer’s personal email address and phone number leak after he declined $10 security measure
Spicer’s eternal sloppiness continues
Read MoreJeff Merkley reads same letter aloud as Elizabeth Warren; sexist coward Mitch McConnell silent
McConnell didn’t even try to hide his sexism
Read MoreThe bizarre Donald Trump White House sex scandal that caused two senior advisors to quit
In any other administration it would be a huge front page story
Read MoreAfter sex scandal and SNL debacle, Donald Trump already on his third Communications Director
Trump is already on his third White House Communications Director in first month
Read MoreJake Tapper and CNN are now trying like hell to get Kellyanne Conway fired
CNN comes out swinging against Conway on multiple fronts
Read MoreMitch McConnell tries to censor Elizabeth Warren for reading Coretta Scott King letter aloud
Warren lashes out after McConnell tries to use technicality to silence her
Read MoreDonald Trump takes away Sean Spicer’s “Communications Director” title after SNL debacle
Trump bringing in new hire to be Spicer’s boss
Read MoreTrump administration posts list of terror attacks, misspells U.S. city, repeatedly misspells “attackers”
The list is a total misrepresentation, and whoever wrote it can’t spell
Read MoreRosie O’Donnell is willing to play Steve Bannon on Saturday Night Live
This comes after Trump was outraged that Melissa McCarthy played Sean Spicer
Read MoreDonald Trump has soured on “weak” Sean Spicer because a woman played him on SNL
Trump thinks being portrayed by a woman made Spicer look “weak”
Read MoreDonald Trump’s increasingly suspicious tweets suggest he may be planning a phony terrorist attack
Trump’s oddly specific claims set off red flags
Read MoreCNN goes to war with Kellyanne Conway after she lies about interview being dumped
CNN just keeps calling out her lies and piling on
Read MoreTwitter Inc. takes legal action in court against its most infamous user, Donald Trump
Twitter files amicus brief against Trump
Read MoreIs Donald Trump laying the groundwork for removing embattled Steve Bannon from the NSC?
Why is Trump now leaking what he’s leaking about Bannon?
Read MoreUnited Kingdom bans Donald Trump from addressing Parliament
Trump can’t get along with any world leaders except Putin
Read MoreUber changes sides and joins the Resistance by taking legal action against Donald Trump
Uber CEO aggressively turns against his former pal Trump
Read MoreDonald Trump is pissed that Steve Bannon tricked him into National Security Council addition
New York Times says Trump didn’t read NSC executive order before signing it
Read MoreMike Pence was at the Super Bowl, and the NFL humiliated him by trotting out Hamilton cast
Pence forced to sit through Hamilton performance (again)
Read More84 Lumber builds an open door into Donald Trump’s racist wall with Super Bowl ad
Super Bowl ad puts a hole in Trump’s wall
Read MoreBudweiser, Google, Coca-Cola Super Bowl ads send message to Donald Trump: Screw you!
Super Bowl ads tell Trump to go to hell
Read MoreThe Super Bowl is playing out as one giant middle finger to Donald Trump
Super Bowl entertainment, ads, and honors are all serving as anti-Trump statements
Read MoreInsiders: Donald Trump jealous that Steve Bannon is on cover of Time Magazine
Will Trump turn against Bannon out of pure jealousy?
Read MoreImpeach him: Donald Trump hints he’s instructed Homeland Security to defy courts
Trump’s latest tweet is an impeachable offense all on its own
Read MoreNew Yorkers come together to quickly erase Swastika graffiti on NYC subway
Mainstream Americans increasingly have no patience for pro-Trump racism
Read MoreSNL lampoons Steve Bannon as grim reaper, Donald Trump as “little white bitch”
Saturday Night Live pegs Bannon as the evil president, Trump as a distracted child
Read MoreSNL: maniacal White House press secretary Sean Spicer portrayed by Melissa McCarthy
McCarthy hilariously plays Trump’s bumbling lying press secretary
Read MoreGeneral John F. Kelly told off Steve Bannon to his face over Muslim ban
Someone’s not afraid of Trump’s pet Nazi
Read MoreDonald Trump defends Vladimir Putin for murdering people in demented Super Bowl interview
Trump’s pre-taped Super Bowl interview leaks, and it’s impeachable
Read MoreProtesters chase pro-Trump Republican Congressman Tom McClintock out of town hall [video]
GOP pays the price for its allegiance to fascist Trump
Read MoreDemocrats in Congress to Donald Trump: read the Constitution, you “so-called president”
Democrats go hard after Trump after he attacks yet another federal judge
Read MoreDemocrats defy Donald Trump’s Muslim ban to save life of Iranian infant girl
Democrats, doctors and lawyers overcome Trump to save girl’s life
Read MoreWTF? Omarosa from the Apprentice injured in some kind of White House mishap
This somehow really happened
Read MoreDonald Trump signs executive order while admitting he doesn’t know what it says [video]
Trump admits he doesn’t even know who wrote the order he’s signing
Read MoreIs Secret Service paying rent money to Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago during his vacation?
Trump’s “vacation” appears to be yet another taxpayer cash grab
Read MoreBusted: Donald Trump releases supposed video of botched Yemen raid, but it’s ten years old
Trump busted for yet more “alternative facts”
Read MoreDonald Trump nominee forced to withdraw due to foreign financial conflicts of interest
Bizarre financial ties to Hong Kong thwart nominee
Read MoreFederal judge further dismantles Donald Trump’s Muslim ban, and Trump goes berserk over it
Fifth judge moves even more strongly against Trump than the previous four judges
Read MoreDonald Trump’s disastrous Yemen raid may have been attempt at getting Dubai golf course built
Did Trump team up with UAE for a risky favor for personal financial reasons?
Read MoreBookies: odds of Donald Trump’s impeachment have skyrocketed over the past two weeks
Trump is rapidly doing himself in
Read More