Posts by Bill Palmer
The “fake news” trend is over. Facebook’s new problem: false accusations of fake news.
Independent news publishers are fighting for their lives against paranoid false accusations
Read MoreDonald Trump demands that would-be cabinet pick Mitt Romney publicly apologize to him
Trump’s ego is botching the Romney hire
Read MoreConstitutional scholar Lawrence Lessig urges Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton
Lessig argues the Founders would have wanted Electors to choose Clinton
Read MoreAhead of recount, Wisconsin has already wiped out 5,000 imaginary Donald Trump votes
Wisconsin’s voluntary revisions have already revised Trump’s totals massively downward
Read MoreIt’s official: Jill Stein and Rocky de la Fuente have filed for a recount in Wisconsin
Stein files in Wisconsin as promised. But who is Rocky de la Fuente?
Read MoreEverything we know about Jill Stein’s recount effort and Hillary Clinton’s odds of winning
Speculation is flying left and right. Here’s what we do know.
Read MoreThree Wisconsin precincts revise vote totals after caught padding Donald Trump’s numbers
Three precincts admit they gave Trump imaginary votes. What else will the recount find?
Read MoreHillary Clinton returns to Twitter, posts messages of support from her fans
Hillary’s sudden reemergence comes amid recount movement
Read MoreJill Stein seeks local volunteers for impending state recounts that may help Hillary Clinton
Volunteer election observers needed in three states
Read MoreDonald Trump doesn’t want the job, has begun refusing his daily intelligence briefings
Trump is turning away his daily briefers as he hides from the job
Read MoreHillary Clinton will be President if she wins recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania
It’s unlikely she’ll win all three recounts. But if she does, she’s President.
Read MoreMath “error” in Wisconsin county hints at how state may have been rigged for Donald Trump
Three Wisconsin precincts already caught padding Trump’s vote total
Read MoreJill Stein surpasses $4 million mark for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania recounts
Support pours in for recount effort in three key swing states
Read MoreWisconsin head of elections says state is preparing for recount
Jill Stein’s recount will happen, and Hillary Clinton will benefit
Read MoreRecount 2016: Jill Stein has reached her $2.5 million goal. Here’s what happens now.
Recount filing fees for Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania paid for. But much more to be done.
Read MoreWe call on Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner to hold an immediate 2016 recount
Candidates can’t request a Florida recount – but Ken Detzner can
Read MoreWisconsin says it’s preparing for a recount; narrow margin for Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump
Wisconsin state official says recount preparations are underway
Read MoreJill Stein’s swing state recount effort reaches 50% of its fundraising goal in first day
Recounts in three key swing states are halfway to being a reality
Read MoreCommon good: Hillary Clinton’s supporters are helping fund Jill Stein’s recount effort
The election results were invalid. Everyone knows it. And they’re coming together to fix it.
Read MoreHillary Clinton’s supporters should hold their noses and get behind Jill Stein’s recount effort
I never thought I’d be saying something like this, but it’s too important
Read MoreOh the irony: Hillary Clinton is the beneficiary as Jill Stein files for recount in swing states
Votes will be recounted statewide in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
Read MoreTop computer scientist publishes the “rigged election” evidence he gave to Hillary Clinton
Computer science professor publicly lays out his evidence
Read MoreMichigan voting totals revised again, Hillary Clinton climbs to within 10,000 votes
Another “Trump win” shifts mathematically in Hillary’s direction
Read MoreHillary Clinton campaign meets with computer scientists who have evidence of rigged election
What is Hillary working on behind the scenes?
Read MoreDonald Trump tries to distract from deepening financial scandals by bringing back Ben Carson
Trump hopes Americans won’t notice his financial fraud
Read MoreDonald Trump finally leaves Trump Tower, and New Yorkers shower him with booing
Trump directly faces the wrath of the American public
Read MoreNewly revised Wisconsin vote totals call into question whether Donald Trump won the state
Wisconsin county acknowledges it overstated Trump’s vote totals
Read MoreTrump Foundation formally admits to fraud, Donald Trump now faces wrath of IRS
Second of Trump’s financial scandals explodes this week
Read MoreSix members of Electoral College now leading revolt against Donald Trump
Revolt within Electoral College is growing
Read MoreHere’s the obscure Constitutional clause that could sink Donald Trump’s would-be presidency
The Emoluments Clause is about to become your best friend
Read MoreDonald Trump assembled the media today to threaten them. They responded by leaking it all.
Trump’s attempt at secretly bullying the media backfires spectacularly
Read MoreDisgraced professor Zimdars finally takes down inaccurate list of supposed “fake news” sites
The gig is up: the list of “fake news” sites was a fake itself
Read MoreRestaurant, after unwittingly hosting pro-Trump Nazi saluters, gives proceeds to Jewish group
Nazi group’s money went straight to the Anti-Defamation League
Read MoreDonald Trump renews vow to punish visa abusers, forgets to mention Melania is one of them
Will Donald Trump have to deport his own wife?
Read MoreTulsi Gabbard, the worst Democrat ever, is already plotting something with Donald Trump
No one should be surprised that Gabbard was at Trump Tower today
Read MoreHillary Clinton received more votes in 2016 than any white man ever – including Donald Trump
Where did Hillary go wrong with voters? She didn’t. They overwhelmingly picked her.
Read MoreDonald Trump kept warning of a “rigged election” – he just didn’t mention it was in his favor
Trump was consistently guilty of projection – and we should have listened to him
Read MoreAlec Baldwin unloads on Donald Trump for attacking Saturday Night Live
Baldwin understands the presidency better than the man he portrays
Read MoreRigged election: months ago, Steve Bannon “knew” precisely which states Donald Trump would flip
Not only do state voting totals look rigged, Bannon seemed to know in advance
Read MoreElectoral College member says outcome of Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump still “in play”
It’s not over yet, says one of the Electors himself
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