“You have the right to remain silent”
This writer was speaking with a friend the other day when Donald John Trump’s name and his latest nemesis were mentioned. Google. As Bill Palmer has laid out for you, an angry and unhinged Donald Trump recently called for the arrest of his new enemy.
“He wants Google arrested? Does he know Google isn’t a person?” my friend asked. This writer had no response. I did not respond because I did not know if Donald Trump realized this. Moreover, where he goes, cognitive decline follows, so it is kind of impossible to tell.
“But Google isn’t a person.” Indeed, Google is not. It is a corporation. I am aware that members of the extreme court think corporations are people, but this is taking things to the extreme. Would you not agree?
“Who is google?” Google is many things but cannot be jailed since it isn’t human.
So let’s dive into Trump’s brain a bit (I know, I know. It is a rather frightening activity, and this writer does agree. Our time in Trump’s brain will be delightfully brief though.) What was going through Trump’s mind when he issued his calls for an arrest?
“That google — he just wont leave me alone, will he?” Or perhaps in Trump’s twisted brain, Google is a woman. That would figure. If this is not evidence that Trump’s brain has fallen and cannot get up, then I don’t know what is.
Google as a human. Now, perhaps Trump wants the whole corporation arrested. That is possible, but I don’t think so.
“Google. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say maybe used against you….” This writer thinks Trump might actually have been having a cognitive episode. I do. I really do. This should be more of a story than it is. Because if Donald Donald Trump truly believes that Google can be arrested, his brain has — gone baby gone.[mashshare shares=”false” buttons=”true” align=”left” services=”3″ size=”small”]