“WTF?” – Donald Trump holds absolutely berserk press conference about airplane crash

Donald Trump has previously held White House press conferences in order to suggest that people inject themselves with bleach, and he’s given numerous speeches about fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter. So nothing should really surprise us these days.
But Trump’s press conference today, aimed at addressing last night’s tragic airplane-helicopter collision, was off the rails even by his standards. Trump tried randomly blaming everyone from air traffic control to the helicopter crew, without any evidence. Then when he was asked about whether he would visit the crash site, he said “Do you want me to swim there?”
If you’re thinking this was absolutely bonkers, you’re not alone. One White House reporter says that during the Trump press conference, he saw another White House reporter texting “WTF” to someone. That’s where we’re at now. Everyone in the media knows Trump is completely senile. The question is when they’re going to be willing to finally admit as much in their reporting.