With friends like these…

Sometimes, the face we show to the public differs from the face we wear in private. Many people are performers, with masks carefully hiding any reality of just who these people are. In a way, these people are actors and stars in their own movies, where they dutifully pretend to be one person while in the privacy of their homes they are different people altogether.
It does look like some Republicans are, in fact, wearing masks — the masks of fawning over Donald J. Trump while secretly utterly despising him. A Georgia Republican “insider” named Erick Erickson had some interesting words to say on Twitter. I must confess that what he said was a bit titillating. If it’s true, Trump has something else to worry about.
Erickson said that he’d had many a private conversation with different Republicans. And he said that many of these Republicans want Donald Trump to lose the 2024 election. One republican said that if Donald Trump does indeed win (he won’t) it would “set back the pro-life cause and free markets by a generation at least.”
Erickson said that Trump had hurt himself badly with the antichoice wing of the party. But – and this is important — he said Trump has ALSO hurt himself with the JD Vance pick and alienated voters in the economic wing of the GOP.
“Sometimes, good stewardship means letting the field lie fallow for a greater harvest later.” He added that Trump should be in damage control right now. So, let me get this straight. Some Republicans are saying — if one believes Erickson and this writer does — that they’re hoping Donald Trump LOSES in November. Wow. With friends like this…..
I imagine some Republicans are eternally sick to death of Trump and his exhausting, unending drama. But if some of these politicians are hoping Harris wins, Trump better watch his back because he seems to have many a Brutus in his party, who, of course, PUBLICLY support him but, in the privacy of their own thoughts, are actively rooting for his failure.