When it rains it pours

The rain is pouring down on JD Vance and his shit show of a campaign. It’s being reported that Vance has come up with a new and unique way of dealing with the media. That strategy is called just drowning them out. Politico is reporting that at a recent (very poorly attended) rally, Vance had some of his most fervent MAGA fans boo the media when they tried to ask him questions.
It happened in an open-air barn in Michigan. A reporter for The Traverse City Record-Eagle asked Vance a question. Before the reporter even got the question out, he was met with MAGA boos. Trills of Maga hate filled the air as Vance reportedly smiled evilly and let the (tiny) crowd keep on going.
“You’re allowed to ask your question,” sociopath Vance said dismissively. “They’e allowed to tell you how they think about it.” “That’s OK. This is America.” Oh my. Such maturity!
Vance truly reminds me of a monster created by MAGA scientists in a lab somewhere. Only this monster is failing miserably. He is the most hated VP- pick since — well — since EVER, and very few people, even MAGA bother to attend his rallies, likely because nobody cares what Vance has to say.
What’s also hysterical is that the reporter hadn’t even asked the question yet. Clearly, this was a set-up by Vance. To use a popular expression, Vance should have locked the barn door after the horse got out. In short this is a TERRIBLE plan with no rhyme or reason to it. Does the moron think he can skate questions FOREVER?
Only what will he do next Tuesday? He can’t do that at the debate, much as I am certain the little snot-nosed brat would love to. Sadly, Vance is going to have to answer some questions. This writer expects Vance to lie since JD and Truth are a long way from EVER meeting. But what he can’t do is bring his drooling group of Maga mini-monsters to help him. What is a sociopath to do?