Welcome to whatever this is…

Welcome to 2025. Suffice it to say that 2024 didn’t turn out well for us. But it’s a new year now. The transition period has given me some time to think, and to figure out how I want to go into this new year.
Like you, I was devastated by the election result. I never thought about quitting, but I did spend some time wondering what continuing would even look like. But after a period of reflection, I’ve come to understand that this isn’t over. America is a quarter millennium experiment and it’s not over just because of one horrific blow or the fallout that comes from it. We’re still in this, and it’s more important than ever that we fight more furiously than ever. There is, after all, a lot left of the American experiment to salvage.
I can now say that I’m ready to fight. I don’t expect this battle to be quick or easy or enjoyable, and it may only be partially winnable. But I’m here to fight. I’m not giving up that easily. We’re going to stick it to this guy, again and again and again, in order to weaken him as much as possible to prevent as much of his evil agenda as possible. Now is a time for fighters. Join me. If you’re in a position to donate to Palmer Report, please do so now. If you’re not in a position to do that, just keep reading and sharing Palmer Report articles. You’re all heroes in my book. Let’s do this together.