Welcome to the dumpster fire

Remember when we were told that the dummies in the middle voted for Donald Trump because they wanted cheaper eggs? Hope it was worth it, because this is already becoming precisely the kind of dumpster fire that we warned you about. Also, you’re not getting cheeper eggs.
So far Trump’s tenure as President-elect has consisted of a failed attempt at turning an alleged child sex trafficker into Attorney General, an ongoing attempt at turning an alleged sexual assaulter into Secretary of Defense, and a mad scientist who’s been trying to force a government shutdown in Trump’s name while Trump naps. Is this really what these dummies voted for?
Trump’s base, sure, yeah. But all the dummies in the middle who were gullibly conned by a complicit media into believing that Biden needed to be ousted and Trump was going to magically deliver lower prices? This can’t be what they signed up for. And yet it’s what they (and we) are now stuck with. You break it, you bought it.
The only silver lining is that this is rapidly turning into such an embarrassing dumpster fire, Trump is set to enter office with a low approval rating, a worn out welcome with his own Republican House and Senate, and endless negative headlines about his nominees and their scandals. If you want to enter office with political muscle and momentum for carrying out your agenda, this is the opposite of how you do it.