Here comes Donald Trump’s week long rampage

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The U.S. is letting Donald Trump out on the loose for an entire seven days. Trump will be visiting four countries. He’ll start off by attending the NATO Summit in Brussels, and his last stop will be the Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki. In between those two stops, Trump will visit the United Kingdom in London on Friday before moving on to his golf course in Glasgow, Scotland, where he can prep for his meeting with Putin. Thatโ€™s the official story and thereโ€™s nothing to see here folks. Just some good oleโ€™ talks about trade agreements and who knows what.

I mean that literally, as Trump will likely try to ferret out โ€œwho knows whatโ€ so he can throw a bone to Putin later. After NATO, heโ€™ll meet with Theresa May in Britain, our โ€˜special friendโ€™ whom Trump has avoided like the plague thus far. Now, why would he avoid her of all people? Maybe only Putin knows for sure, as he seems to be โ€œrunningโ€ Trump like a KGB field asset.

One pressing topic that NATO will want to discuss is how to thwart Russiaโ€™s efforts at destabilizing the balance of power and trade within democratic nations. One can only speculate as to how Trump will react, but he may try to plead Russiaโ€™s case to NATO, if prior comments are any indication. Putin craves, but does not have, legitimacy in the global world of governance. This is because he does not share democratic values, such as free elections. However, Putinโ€™s authoritarianism does not seem to put off Donald Trump.

To further exacerbate Trumpโ€™s tensions with NATO, another British citizen was killed by a Russian nerve agent, so the U.K. will launch a full investigation and Russia will be at its epicenter. Also, Georgia and Ukraine are seeking NATOโ€™s protection from Russia, even though they arenโ€™t members. Trump once flippantly parroted Russian State Media by saying something to the effect of, people in Ukraine speak Russian, so they should be Russian.

To further pile onto the crap sandwich awaiting Donald Trump in Europe, his diplomatic efforts with North Korea have failed abysmally. NATO will want strong reassurances from the United States, but they already know theyโ€™ll get Trump instead. They must be wondering how to work with the U.S. now that Trump is trying to shift power away from democracy. If only they could deflate him afterwards, like the Big Baby Trump Blimp.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.