Turns out last night’s plane crash wasn’t an isolated incident since Trump took office and fired everyone

Even as we all try to process last night’s tragic and deadly collision between a commercial airplane and a military helicopter, it’s becoming clear that Donald Trump made the situation worse by firing pretty much everyone in charge of airplane safety as soon as he took office. Now it turns out this wasn’t the only such incident this week.
The day before yesterday a commercial airliner had to abort its landing and alter course in order to avoid colliding with a helicopter, according to the Washington Post. This eliminates the possibility that last night’s collision was some kind of isolated fluke, and instead points to a pattern.
This paints Trump’s decision to fire everyone in an even darker light. There’s a serious problem developing at this Washington DC airport since Trump took office. This is all starting to fall more squarely on his shoulders. No wonder Trump is out there trying to preemptively blame the control tower and the helicopter pilot. He’s deflecting, as usual.