Turns out Donald Trump stole some of “the most sensitive secrets” the United States has

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Most thieves, when they reach a point where the FBI is going into their home and seizing the stuff they’ve stolen, turn their focus to a criminal defense strategy for when they’re inevitably arrested. In the two weeks since the FBI seized the classified documents that Donald Trump stole, Rolling Stone says his main focus has been on trying to convince his lawyers to get the documents back.

That is not a winning strategy, to put it mildly. But with the cat clearly out of the bag, nd the Feds obviously having Trump nailed, what could he possibly hope to accomplish by getting the documents back, even if such a thing were possible?

One clue could come from a new Washington Post expose which reveals that the classified documents Trump stole were “among the most sensitive secrets” the United States has. So perhaps Trump’s delusional desperation to get these documents back has something to do with what he had been planning to do with them, or who he might have promised them to.

This is starting to feel like a low level drug dealer having his stash seized by the Feds, and being more focused on trying to get it back before the drug kingpin cracks down on him, than on anything the Feds can do to him. Just how deep of a hole has Donald Trump dug himself here? The guy is going to prison for the rest of his life, and yet his biggest worries seem to be elsewhere.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.