Trump is “looking into” the extent he plans to interfere with your life

You can’t make this stuff up, and no self-respecting novelist would try. A known rapist and indicted criminal is going to decide for you what method you may or may not use for contraception. But don’t worry, he promises it’s going to be “very smart” and “comprehensive.” He promises to condescend to, ahem, release it very soon. In a week or so.
I hope in a hundred years the average human will have evolved sufficiently to be blown away by such unmitigated gall and eye-popping hubris. But let’s not wait until then, let’s get blown away now.
Sorry, but I have to say it again. Donald Trump, the serial cheating clown with 88 felony indictments, who has never had a real job in his life, is going to decide for you how to prevent pregnancy. He is going to casually rob you of the first amendment right to make this decision for yourself. He’s not going to tell you how he’s going to do it just yet, oh no, he has way too much contempt for you and your so-called rights for that. Instead he lied and said that he’s working on it. In a week or two, when he finally condescends to tell you, you are going to be so impressed you are going to wonder how it’s possible that you didn’t think of it first.
The fact that this tone deaf, self-important proclamation of conceit hasn’t elicited universal howls of outrage and derision is frankly a wonder of the current age. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m too sensitive. Or maybe it’s because Trump says so much bullshit we stopped paying attention. But really, how stupid, how pompous, how arrogant, how patronising does this putrid pile of human excrement have to get before everyone realises just how unfit for anything other than a prison cell he is?
I would happily consign this bastard to the ignominy of permanent indifference were it not for one thing. There is a chance, however slender, that in less than six months this asshole could be put in charge of the most powerful military force in human history, the richest nation on earth, with the politIcal wallop of the American presidency. Dark forces traitorously at work behind the scenes actually, seriously, dangerously want to make it so. The fact that it’s not impossible ought to make every American apoplectic with rage.
And lest you think Trump’s bullshit will lead nowhere, remember he still occasionally boasts that he is responsible for the effective repeal of Roe v Wade. He also approves of the draconian actions many states have taken against women, including the Texas bounty law system where women seeking abortions can be turned in for a cash reward.
Because there is so much at stake, and because in some possible future this festering turd really could retake the levers of power, we have to be alert to his plans. Keeping clearly in mind the monster we are dealing with will concentrate our resolve and decrease the likelihood that he is ever in a position of power again. And remember, though it’s unlikely he ever will take power, Trumpism will probably remain, and somebody just like him might one day. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.