Too late now

At the time of this writing, Donald Trump is still refusing to debate. His latest excuse shows his fear. Trump claims that October is far, far too late in the political game for a debate. He says people will have started voting by then and that it would be bad for the American people to see another debate.
The only problem with this excuse is that Donald HAS debated in October before in past elections. In fact, virtually every Presidential election has had an October debate. So, as you can see, this excuse makes little sense. Of course, WE know the real reason. Donnie’s afraid — he’s a little ball of fear, unable to face the laughing eyes of his opponent who would demolish him as quickly and gracefully as lifting a finger — and she’d do it all with a smile.
Therefore, little Don must resist and resist untilโwell, until he can’t anymore. There may come a day when he’s forced into it. His poll numbers are lousy, and his campaign has no ground game. So he might make another attempt. We know how THAT would go. In fact, Donald Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He’s in a maze created by his own political skills — or lack thereof.