This little, vindictive man

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One of the reasons โ€” perhaps THE reason โ€” that Donald Trump lost his 2020 bid for re-election, was because of his disastrous mishandling of the coronavirus epidemic. Of all of Trumpโ€™s failures in office his Covid failure was perhaps the biggest, ending in more than a million American deaths. Conservative estimates suggest that at least 400,000 of those deaths were unnecessary and were directly the fault of Trump.

In other words, Trump was to blame, and blame is a thing Trump has never accepted. If Trump were to display any sign on the Resolute Desk it would be to the effect that โ€œThe buck stops somewhere else.โ€ But itโ€™s not enough for Trump to refuse blame, he must also find someone else to blame instead. He therefore blamed Dr Anthony Fauci, one of the lead members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under Trump, for the Covid debacle. Not only was Dr Fauci innocent of the blame, but the reason for Trumpโ€™s colossal Covid failure was because he ignored much of Dr Fauciโ€™s advice.

Itโ€™s one thing to duck blame so it hits someone else, but Trump made sure that all of MAGA knew that the deaths of their loved ones was Fauciโ€™s fault. They couldnโ€™t blame Trump either, so Fauci, who has long been and justly remains one of Americaโ€™s greatest heroes, became the target of MAGA hatred and MAGA death threats that continue to this very day.

As a result of these death threats, President Joe Biden assigned Dr Fauci (and others) a permanent Secret Service detail. Biden also provided Fauci with a presidential pardon because Trump promised to prosecute him once in office.

CNN now reports that on Friday, in a move of petty vengeance, Donald Trump cancelled Dr Fauciโ€™s Secret Service detail. Fauci has hired his own private detail as a result of these cancellations in order to protect himself and his family from harm from the vindictive MAGA crowd.

Trump also cancelled the security details of John Bolton (Trumpโ€™s former National Security Advisor), Mike Pompeo (Trumpโ€™s former Secretary of State) and Brian Hook (Pompeoโ€™s former aide). President Biden also continued their security details because the threats against these men from domestic and foreign sources were real and ongoing.

โ€œCoincidentally,โ€ all of these individuals have had fallings out with Donald Trump. So, in what can only be described as a punk move from a vindictive, juvenile, chickenshit little man-baby, Donald Trump has not only removed the security protection from these guys, he also asserts that he will feel absolutely no responsibility if harm comes to them. That he would feel no responsibility surprises no one. That wonโ€™t change the inconvertible moral fact that he will be responsible.

This was a petty move not by a president but a punk, a thug, a whiny little man-baby with no impulse control and no class. In other words the MAGA toad-god strikes again. All of MAGA in Congress, in the Supreme Court and in the streets must once more adjust their morals downward. It turns out there is no bottom for this little, vindictive man, and all of MAGA is just fine with it.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
To that end, Palmer Report is expanding. We're bulking up our editorial and research staff and leaving no stone unturned on the editorial front and activism front. I'm asking you to help me build Palmer Report into what it needs to be. Please click here to donate whatever you can to this effort. Our future and our way of life depend on it.