This is just ugly for Tulsi Gabbard

During her confirmation hearing on Thursday morning, Tulsi Gabbard started with an opening statement, which was defensive, arrogant, and blindingly ignorant. The Putin sympathizer sharply criticizes Democrats, angrily lashing out at them for daring to call her a puppet. I donโt know what Gabbard is so angry about since she IS in fact a puppet.
Going on and on, Tulsi unleashed a vicious diatribe that made little sense and talked about how she could not possibly be the puppet of all these different men. Then, she castigated Democrats for daring to suggest that she is not perfect.
The drip, drip, drip of e Gabbard’s extremely annoying voice reminded me of a leaky faucet and like a leaky faucet, it was headache inducing and seemed to go on forever. Please shut up, this writer mouthed silently.
I sincerely hope that this woman is not confirmed. She is reckless and uninformed, and reportedly, when meeting with various senators on Capitol Hill, she didnโt seem to understand the logistics of the job nor what the job entails.
Furthermore, the idea of intelligence in the hands of such a person fills me with unease. Republicans have long lost their spines, if they ever had them in the first place. But this woman is so blatantly WRONG for this position one would think that they’d stop kissing Donald Trump’s tender behind long enough to take notice.
Tulsi Gabbard is the calm before the storm, and what I mean by that is one just knows if she gets confirmed, there will be a hurricane of significant proportions because she is ill-equipped for the job and canโt DO the job, and she is not to be trusted. I hope republicans have better sense than to confirm such a person as this.
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