This is just embarrassing for Chuck Todd

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

I urge you to watch out for the dragon. This dragon is a legend in its own mind. It lurks around many corners, venom often spitting from its macabre tongue. It breathes fire — blazing, scorching fire that sizzles with ghoulish delight. And it loves to breathe its fumes of fear into its audience. This dragon is our media — as it is today, folks. Welcome to the the era of the dragon — the bizarre world of political punditry.

Senator Ben Lujan of New Mexico is an accomplished and kind Senator. He is a Democrat. He also suffered a stroke recently. Lujan is recovering in the hospital and is reportedly expected to make a full recovery. “He should be out pretty quickly,” Senator Tammy Duckworth explained. “It shouldn’t affect the agenda too much.”

End of story, right? Wrong. The dragon decided this was an excellent time to pounce. What will happen to the Democrats’ agenda? This is currently being howled by Chuck Todd and other pundits all over who pounced on this news as eagerly as a dog with a bone.

Reportedly some Democrats are deeply offended that these pundits are doing this. That hasn’t stopped MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, though who solemnly reported this is news. No, it’s not. It IS news in that we wish the Senator a fast recovery. But it ISN’T news the way the pundits — the dragons — are SAYING it is.

Fact: the Senator is expected to make a full recovery.

Fact: the GOP is down one Senator as well. Mitt Romney is currently unable to be present due to being diagnosed with Covid.

Fact: President Biden is not expected even to announce his pick until the end of February. Then she has to meet with Senators. The time frame for a vote is a while away, not that you would know it from Todd.

Fact: there are several Justices under consideration that would garner a few Republican votes, more likely than not.

Fact: if for some reason the Senator could NOT come back, and a new Senator needed to be appointed, it would be the Governor who would do the appointing. And New Mexico’s Governor is a Democrat.

Of course, these little morsels of information are likely things you won’t hear much about. As for Todd — he should be ashamed. The man is in recovery, and all Todd seems to be doing is shoveling shit around in the attempt to make a story out of nothing. Other pundits are doing the same. So watch out for the fire-breathing dragons whose gleeful non-story is offensive, crude, and unnecessary — sort of like these pundits themselves.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.