This is just bonkers

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

It isn’t unusual for many voters to say things like: Why SHOULD I vote? My life won’t change, no matter who the president is. This belief is an upside-down Monopoly board. Who the President is affects EVERYONE, even if some people do not consciously know it.

How will our schools be run? How will the poor, the sick, and the marginalized be treated? What type of government reforms will be put in place? Every day, the President makes decisions that directly impact ALL of us.

There are already signs that some of Assolini’s decisions will not have people running joyfully through green meadows but instead doing a slow and glum walk on the wild side, through vast thickets of bad ideasโ€”like the fact that businesses are terrified they might just lose 3.3 million legal workers.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that if Trump goes forward with his plan to eliminate some work visas, , it will hurt businesses in food, hospitality, education, healthcare, and pharmaceutic businesses, to name a few.

And we as a country could be severely impacted by that. What happens if immigrants lose their ability to work or are deported altogether? So, many businesses are worried that this is more than a possibility. Great way to start, Trump! Challenges to business are nothing new, but this Trump plan could leave a huge shortage of people to fill these positions.

Right now, there are several programs in place that guarantee these immigrants the right to work. Imagine if they’re taken away. Imagine how negatively that could hurt some of these businesses.

This might be why some are asking President Biden to extend the work permits of many of these immigrants for as long as humanly possible.

Trump has no idea what he’s doing. How could he? He doesn’t read, so he may not know the first thing about these programs and their importance. If he goes through with all these, companies will be bleeding workers, and his approval numbers, already weakening, will fall further down than ever.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.