This is a big win for us

This impeachment trial was a win for us, obviously. We made Trump even more unpopular, which is crucial because politicians with low approval ratings are irrelevant. We forced Republicans to cast an impeachment vote that’ll hurt them in 2022. It would have been even better if we’d somehow gotten a conviction. But that’s like complaining that we won the lotto and not the power ball.
I’m not trying to make you feel better by saying any of this stuff. I don’t care about that. It’s not my job. I’m not some therapist. I’m just stating the facts. If my analysis sounds “optimistic” in comparison to other pundits, it’s only because I’m not spewing doomsday hysteria for attention, like some others do.
The factual reality is that, as I pointed out on day one, this impeachment trial was never about conviction. It was about laying the groundwork for Trump’s criminal trials, which he’ll face in New York, Georgia, and potentially Washington DC, so he’ll go to prison where he belongs. That’s an infinitely more effective solution for getting him off the stage than convicting him in an impeachment trial.