This could be the end of the road for Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees

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A certain Republican senator, who wanted to remain nameless, spoke to NBC and warned that several GOP senators are reaching the point of no return on exasperation regarding Donald John Trump and his cabinet nominees.

Explaining that several nominees coming up bear more of a resemblance to former Fox host and Internet troll Tucker Carlson than the mainstream Republican Party, this anonymous Republican says that there are several Republicans who may not vote for certain nominees coming up.

Oh, if this is true, it might signal the beginning of our political war. Letโ€™s break it down, shall we? Let’s also see what the consequences of such a move could be, as well as which nominees are that certain Republicans might be having issues with. (All of them?)

First off, the GOP Senate lost three senators when confirming Pete Hegseth. They canโ€™t lose more so if the same three senators do not vote for a particular nominee and one other more. joins them that nominee is on a boat heading up shits creek.

So, who could be the nominees in question? I believe Tulsi Gabbard is one of them. Since the beginning, there has been a notable lack of enthusiasm around her nomination. Sheโ€™s not qualified, but more disturbingly than even that, is her reported relationship with both Putin and Assad.

Supposing there is even a grain of truth in any rumors that could be dire for the United States of America. Even Republicans, even some of the most loyal Trump pups, might have a problem confirming such a nominee as she.

Then there is Patel. I am actually quite surprised that more has not been made of him. We havenโ€™t heard much, but Patel is clearly the most partisan of any of the nominees that this writer has seen, and it wouldnโ€™t shock me greatly if a few senators decided to get together and torpedo his nomination.
Now I have no idea who the anonymous Senator is, nor do I have any idea who, and how many other senators other than the above-mentioned three there might be, but if thereโ€™s really this much opposition, and again, we donโ€™t know for sure, then this could be a real win for us and a real loss for Donald Trump in a sea of losses and miscalculations.

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