They’ve got nothing

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

William Shakespeare said that “all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” This could apply to all of us. But right now, there is a performance going on that feels unending in its arc.One can picture a long and endless stage, with thousands of seats and scores of people watching.

The scene is on a loop, and it runs continually, never stopping. The audience is always there, primed for the show, taking in every gesture and word. Different actors come and go, but the message remains the same.
Outrage. Hate. Fear.

Those are the three words that dominate the endless show playing out on the stage. For many in the GOP, it’s their role of a lifetime. And many of them are great at putting on their dramatic masks, as they breathlessly give the jeering audience what they so desire.

But when will this play end? That’s the question that needs to be answered, and we, the Democratic party, need to be the ones who answer it. We must incorporate the lies and insincerity of the GOP into our campaign platforms.

As I mentioned in another article, we must always stay on offense. But it’s more than that. We need to expose the lies of the non-party. We need to show the American people the GOP is the group (not party) of nothing.

What are their plans for health care? Nothing.

What are their plans to grow the economy? Nothing.

How will the GOP fight keep the Covid numbers down? They won’t.

What will the GOP do about climate change? Nothing. Most do not believe in it.

We need to label them — the party of nothing. Nothing now, nothing in the future. The same old tired loops in a never-ending play where they assume the persona of the everyday American.

But the everyday American does not vote against fixing our roads and our bridges. The everyday American doesn’t vote no to health care for all Americans. The GOP is not the party of everyday Americans. They are the party of NO Americans except themselves and their orange leader. Let’s work hard to get that message out.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.