They’re at it again

Today I think of women. Women stand tall, shining flowers in their hair, singing the songs of independence and freedom that things like the suffrage movement have given them. In Greek Mythology, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love was born of the Sea. Yes, she stepped out of the popping turquoise — green waves, colorful flowers springing to life under her feet, as the Goddess of love, smiling with the warmth of 1000 coral reefs, made her way from the shoreline.
It’d be nice if republican MEN would take a hint from this ancient tale and treat women with respect and LOVE. It would be SO nice, were that to happen. But one thing we know is that Republican men hate women, just as they despise the disabled, black and brown people, poor people. My gosh, the list is so long!
And Republicans, BEING the haters they are, are being sneaky, attempting to do some things that are not helpful to Women at all. While the American people wait for the GOP to start fulfilling some of their campaign promises (THAT will be a long wait) Republicans, led by their women hating, sexually assaulting convicted felon of a president, are trying once again to sneak evil anti-choice abortion policy into the ether.
One newly proposed bill, offered up by Missouri Congressman Eric Burlison is called the “Life at Conception Act.” Subtle. If passed it would ban all women from getting abortions. Oh voters — while you fiddled, the promises made to you burned.
Of course I do not expect this bill to pass. But they won’t stop trying you see. So let’s get the word out. These GOP men(and a few women) are cave-person creatures and if women are the sunshine, Republican anti-choicers are the miserable blizzards who wont stop snowing on women’s rights.
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