They never learn

A government shutdown looms in the not too far away distance. The question is: what will the GOP DO about it? Many Republicans who have spoken to reporters about this insist there will not be a shutdown. That’d be insane, many murmur. Yes, it would be. But my question is STILL — Will there be a government shutdown? Because, as you know, insanity has NEVER stopped Republicans before.

The GOP never learns from their mistakes. They’re in the middle of a cult-fest with a senile maniac who wants the government shut down, so yes, there is the possibility that Republicans will dutifully do as Trump asks. Republicans never met a terrible decision they did not embrace. Can one even IMAGINE if the GOP lets the federal government shut down weeks before a presidential election? What egg on their faces they’d have.

But republicans do seem to be addicted to making terrible decisions. Once again, everyone in the house is fighting, and as the walls cave in, Mike Johnson seems unable or completely unwilling to control his caucus. He doesn’t seem like a leader, more like a stranger stranded on some primitive island with factions of nutty island dwellers simultaneously screaming at each other and pushing each other out of the way.

So Johnson’s got that to deal with, but he also has a little sociopath, a tiny, a tiny man watching with interest from the sidelines to ensure Johnson does what he alone commands. You know it’s a nightmare for Johnson. At this point, he may want to shout “anchors away” and leave the island, leaving this bunch of babbling nut jobs on their own, although that would most definitely NOT help the situation either. I really am not sure what would help. Perhaps nothing?

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