These MAGA loons are even further gone than we thought

I am not, nor have I ever been, a conspiracy theorist. I wouldn’t say I like most conspiracy theories. For me, conspiracy theories are like me meteorites — you don’t see them often, but when you do, it usually winds up blazing a trail downward as it falls into nothingness.
No, the mysterious things in the air are not part of a movement by the Biden administration to impose authoritarian rule. Believe it or not (and somehow, I think you’ll believe it), this latest theory making the rounds comes from Maga. Wow! Who would have believed it?
Yes, according to some of the more hysterical MAGA fools, it’s all a controlled experiment to stop Donald Trump! And Dark Brandon is behind it! Cue the laughter. “Giving themselves more power.” Oh Maga, not again. You really need therapy. Please think about getting some. “Project Blue Beam.”
This stupid conspiracy theory has its roots all the way back to the 1990’s. The meat, of it is: The government is staging fake celestial events to manipulate the world population. Yep. And I won a Powerball six times a week.
Maga, lives in a place where one could find a conspiracy theory on an ant farm. They’d probably say the ant farm was put there by the Deep State. I’m not being tongue-in-cheek either. These people really need help, and it’s time they got some. What is behind all these whispers of “they’re out to get us?.”
I personally think people have too much time on their hands. Some people, such as Maga, also adore playing the victim. Where would Maga be without the victim mentality? It’s all they’ve got, and it does take a lot of energy to keep up.
Maga, however, close their ears to the ONE conspiracy theory that is true. That is that their messiah, desperate to stay out of prison, , with the help of corrupt judges and a complicit media, gets himself elected President. That is a TRUE conspiracy theory. It’s too bad that Maga will never open their ears enough to hear it.