These idiots are completely unable to govern

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Even though Republicans and their policies largely do everything they can to make America less safe, both at home and abroad, they love to think of themselves as the party of national security. That was readily apparent in Speaker Mike Johnsonโ€™s answer when he appeared on Fox and Friends on Thursday morning shortly after the New Orleans terror attack was discussed.

Even though Johnson has been endorsed by Donald Trump for House speaker – an endorsement that has come with reservations from Trump on social media, heโ€™s not exactly netting the support he needs to be re-elected speaker, a vote expected to take place Friday, in which House Democrats are rallying around Rep. Hakeem Jeffries for speaker.

He didnโ€™t really go into why they should vote for him specifically – or how he would be able to do anything to prevent tragedies like the crowd attack that took place on New Yearsโ€™ Day – but just that the party should prevent embarrassing themselves with infighting when these tragedies happen.

In this way, Johnson is just a typical right-winger who believes he deserves power but has no answers about what heโ€™ll do with it that will benefit the people giving it to him (especially when his role is limited on how he can even do that), and now he can only hope for it on a partisan basis. Before the 119th Congress has even been sworn in, weโ€™re already getting a taste of their inability to govern.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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