The worst lie of all

I’ve never been one to mince words, as people who read my articles know (thank you for reading), and I’m. not going to start now. I’m not going to sit here and say, “Joe Biden was on fire. Joe Biden wiped the floor up with Trump.” You get the gist of what I’m saying. He was much more on fire during the State of the Union, but that Joe Biden didn’t show up for the debate. The thing is, most people’s minds aren’t changed because of one debate, so they tend to matter very little. If, however, anyone listened closely to Donald Trump, he didn’t best Biden; he just lied better. Virtually every word that came out of his mouth was a lie. He claimed to have brought money to HBCUs. He didn’t. He continued President Obama’s legislation when it expired. He came up with none of it; meaning, he did nothing. Trump also told the old lie that January 6 was Nancy Pelosi’s fault. He claimed that he had 10,000 national guardsmen at the ready, but the DC Mayor refused his offer. Lies. We have now heard excerpts of the phone calls from Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Mitch McConnell with then-DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, inquiring about the holdup of national guardsmen to the site of the Capitol attack. I could go on all night about Trump’s lies, but you get the picture.
The last thing Trump said was the worst lie. His racist statement that immigrants are coming to American and stealing “all the Black jobs” got past no one. As I sat there, getting angry about the comment, the “after debate” show came on, which included Cornell West. He ripped the words right out of my head. Don’t think we’re the only two who heard it and knew EXACTLY what Trump meant. When I went on Instagram today, I saw a post from Justin Jones, one of the Tennessee legislators who was kicked out and had to be taken back. I love this guy and see a real future for him in politics. This is the kind of rabble-rousing we need in Washington, not the trouble constantly caused by Marjorie Taylor Greene. Jones speaks up for others, not to bring attention to himself. He posted: “Me walking into my ‘Black job’ tomorrow.” The comments all follow suit. Every one of us got it, and it wasn’t accepted with pleasure. It is very hard to believe that Trump is gaining Black support. The man is a bona fide racist. He had to be sued to allow Blacks to live in his properties, and he has not changed. He can’t even make a subtle racist comment because he’s too damned stupid. He’s no match for President Biden in the intelligence arena.
If there is even one Black person out there who is thinking about voting for Donald “the liar” Trump, drop me a line. I want to ensure you understand your mistake; I want you to learn to recognize the wolf in sheep’s clothing; I want your help in making this country a better place, and that does not include Donald Trump.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years